Monday, December 14, 2015

Tips for Grooming Your Dog Successfully

You love your dog and always want to care for it. Proper grooming is an excellent way to deepen the relationship between pet and owner, and it is a key hygiene step to keeping a dog healthy. These tips for grooming and bathing can help you take some of the hassle out of the process and keep your pet happy.


The most important technique to remember with grooming is to take your time and be gentle. Dog hair, especially long hair, mats and tangles easily. Removing them can be just as unpleasant for a dog as a human, so use a caring touch. The other key trick here is to use the right brushes for the right jobs. This simple breakdown should help:

  • Short smooth coat - Start with a rubber brush. Follow it with a bristle brush and then finish with a chamois cloth.
  • Short thick coat - Begin with a slick brush to remove the tangles and finish with a bristle brush.
  • Long coat - Use the same method as the short, thick coat. Take extra care with the slick brush as long coats tend to get more mats and tangles.

Some dogs love baths. If you are not quite so lucky in this department, then there are some tricks that can help. If you begin the bathing process with a good brushing, your life will be much easier. Sticking to lukewarm water and incorporating a bath toys are good ways to handle a temperamental or excited pet. Also be sure you never spray your dog directly in the nose, eyes or ears. These are very sensitive regions. Lastly, this quick checklist will make sure you have the necessary items for a successful bath:

  • Dog shampoo
  • Floor mat
  • Low heat blow dryer
Successful grooming can be easy to achieve. Stay patient and work with your dog. Many pets can learn to enjoy the process if you give them the chance.

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